Sunday, March 1, 2009

Eat Meat Near Your Street

The slaughterhouses of Kansas City, Missouri largely ushered in the move toward mass-produced beef, pork, and chicken. Now, in a bit of cosmic remorse, some Missouri chefs are trying to get locals to buy meat from their nearby slaughterhouse. That's been a problem for us: does anyone know where to buy organic meat raised in Southern California? Most of the meat we find at farmer's market, while fed organically, is raised on farms far away. Oh, for the time of the Californios!


  1. Well, this post is only twenty months old... but finally, finally there is local meat at the farmers' market. Laguna Hills and Irvine have 5 Bar Beef, all grass-fed (not just grass-finished) organic beef that is raised on Irvine Company land still out in the Rancho.

    I'm telling you, that is some gooooood beef.

  2. I know this post is super old, but another option is Orange High School's FFA offers meat if you buy the animal in advance...
